DXG Blog

Thoughts from the front line of Digital Transformation.

A unique, global perspective

As DXG, we deliver digital transformation across multiple sectors, cultures and continents. This vast experience gives us a unique perspective, and one we’d like to share with you through our blog.

Why you Should Align your Marketing, Service and Sales Departments

Departmental silos lessen overall business organization and hinder growth while fracturing customer service offerings. This is why it is important that all of your teams work together toward a common goal, and in order to do this, walls need to be broken down and departments need to align.

What is the Difference Between RevOps and SalesOps?

Revenue is a driving force for business success. The key is to view revenue as more than just an end; instead considering the means to the ends as well. It saves time and increases earnings by focusing on the processes involved in generating revenue. Sales are a key element of this. That said, here are the key differences between these two operations and why( ... )

Creating an Integrated Sales and Marketing Strategy

In order to achieve a successful integrated and sales marketing strategy, it comes down to open communication, departmental alignment and well-managed systems designed to help performance across both teams.