DXG Blog

Thoughts from the front line of Digital Transformation.

A unique, global perspective

As DXG, we deliver digital transformation across multiple sectors, cultures and continents. This vast experience gives us a unique perspective, and one we’d like to share with you through our blog.

Is Pay Per Click Marketing Still Relevant in 2022?

As the internet continues to evolve, digital marketing tactics progress and shift right alongside. With this in mind, many people have started to question whether or not traditional marketing tactics such as Pay-Per-Click marketing (PPC) have become irrelevant in today's digital landscape.

Why your business needs to use a Website Grader

A website grader can help you measure the health and effectiveness of your website and show you problem areas which can then be optimised. This article highlights the importance of a website grader, why it’s needed and how DXG can help you every step of the way.

What is inbound social media and why do you need it?

Engaging with your audience, and encouraging them to take a desired action, like viewing your latest blog post, in an authentic way, is at the heart of inbound social media marketing.

Transformation vs Digitisation: What's the difference?

There is a significant difference between a digital transformation strategy and a digitization strategy for business.

What is a Digital Transformation Strategy?

A digital transformation strategy refers to a plan of action that strategically outlines how a business can position itself in the digital economy.